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石垣1団は発団20周年記念式典を開催しました (1/6)
『第47回摩文仁・火と鐘のまつり』奉仕 (1/5)
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年頭のごあいさつ (1/2)
2025年新年のご挨拶 (1/2)
三島通陽第4代日本連盟総長、尾崎忠次元日本連盟先達来沖時写真発見 (12/31)
那覇16団ボーイ隊は日米友愛ジャンボレットに参加しました (12/31)
沖縄旅行 ⑥ (12/30)
那覇16団カブ隊は日米友愛ジャンボレットに参加しました (12/30)
沖縄旅行 ⑤ (12/29)
豊見城1団ビーバー・カブ隊モノレールに乗って首里城探検 We explored Shuri Castle
On October 13 (Sun) Tomigusuku Pack 1 took the monorail from Onoyama Station to Shuri Station and explored Shuri Castle, based on the idea that "we won't be able to get a good look at the roof of Shuri Castle while it is under construction until next year, so this year is the year!"
First, the scouts went to Onoyama Park Monorail Station, where each person bought their own ticket and boarded the monorail.
After 20 minutes passed while the scouts were talking on the train, wondering things like "What station are we at now?", "How many more stations are there?", and "I wonder how the monorail driver operates the train?", and they finally arrived at Shuri Station.
The scouts walked from Shuri Station to Shuri Castle. Once they arrived, they explored the castle while taking part in a digital stamp quiz and collecting stamps on postcards.
"What is the red roof tile flower at Shuri Castle?", "Hibiscus? Chrysanthemum? The correct answer is peony." "I wonder which money banknote has Shureimon Gate printed on it?
Thus, their collection of their digital stamps was completed. After collecting all the digital stamps, they went to the information center to get a prize.
At the Shuri Castle reconstruction site, they were able to get a close-up look at the roof construction work.
After the walk, it was time to get hungry. On the way to Gibo Station, we stopped off at a local old shop called Takochan House for some takoyaki.
From Shuri Station to Shuri Castle, to a stroll around Shuri Castle, and from Shuri Castle to Gibo Station, everyone walked a lot! No one threw a tantrum, and the Cub Scouts did a great job taking care of the younger ones!
On October 13 (Sun) Tomigusuku Pack 1 took the monorail from Onoyama Station to Shuri Station and explored Shuri Castle, based on the idea that "we won't be able to get a good look at the roof of Shuri Castle while it is under construction until next year, so this year is the year!"
First, the scouts went to Onoyama Park Monorail Station, where each person bought their own ticket and boarded the monorail.
After 20 minutes passed while the scouts were talking on the train, wondering things like "What station are we at now?", "How many more stations are there?", and "I wonder how the monorail driver operates the train?", and they finally arrived at Shuri Station.
The scouts walked from Shuri Station to Shuri Castle. Once they arrived, they explored the castle while taking part in a digital stamp quiz and collecting stamps on postcards.
"What is the red roof tile flower at Shuri Castle?", "Hibiscus? Chrysanthemum? The correct answer is peony." "I wonder which money banknote has Shureimon Gate printed on it?
Thus, their collection of their digital stamps was completed. After collecting all the digital stamps, they went to the information center to get a prize.
At the Shuri Castle reconstruction site, they were able to get a close-up look at the roof construction work.
After the walk, it was time to get hungry. On the way to Gibo Station, we stopped off at a local old shop called Takochan House for some takoyaki.
From Shuri Station to Shuri Castle, to a stroll around Shuri Castle, and from Shuri Castle to Gibo Station, everyone walked a lot! No one threw a tantrum, and the Cub Scouts did a great job taking care of the younger ones!