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沖縄第1団は2025年新春もちつきを実施しました (1/15)
ボーイスカウト豊見城1団は1月度団会議を開催しました (1/12)
石垣1団ボーイ隊も日米友愛ジャンボレットに参加しました (1/11)
石垣1団カブ隊は10キロハイキングをしました (1/10)
石垣1団は発団20周年記念式典を開催しました (1/6)
『第47回摩文仁・火と鐘のまつり』奉仕 (1/5)
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三島通陽第4代日本連盟総長、尾崎忠次元日本連盟先達来沖時写真発見 (12/31)
那覇16団ボーイ隊は日米友愛ジャンボレットに参加しました (12/31)
沖縄旅行 ⑥ (12/30)
那覇16団カブ隊は日米友愛ジャンボレットに参加しました (12/30)
沖縄旅行 ⑤ (12/29)
曹洞宗スカウト研修会開催案内 (12/29)
沖縄訪問旅行 ④ (12/28)
富士章面接が行われました (12/27)
沖縄スカウトクラブ2024年度望年会開催 (12/27)
沖縄訪問旅行 ③ (12/27)
沖縄スカウトクラブ12月度定例会開催 (12/27)
沖縄スカウトクラブ12月度定例会開催 (12/26)
日米フレンドシップもちつき大会実施 Frienship Mochi Pounding
At 11:00 on January 11 (Sat), Scout Group Tomigusuku 1 invited their Brotherhood units BSA Pack 1, and held the "Japan-US Friendship Mochi Pounding" at Tomigusuku Central Community Center.
This event has been held every year to have the following two purposes.
①To allow Scouts to experience understanding the cultures and events of two countries.
②To let BSA Pack 1 and Tomigusuku 1 deepen further friendship.
The event began with a welcome speech in both Japanese and English by two female Cub Scouts. Next, Chairman Mr. Nakai explained in both Japanese and English about ①Meaning to make mocha, ②How difference of cooking between for normal rice and mochi rice, ③How to use big hammer. Japanese and American Scouts performed Mochi Pounding alternately. Then, leaders and parents joined. As a result, 10 kg of rice was changed to Mochi.
日米のスカウトと保護者は、豊見城1団が準備 したきな粉、あんこ、砂糖醤油、そして、カブ1隊が準備したチョコレートシロップ、ストロベリーシロップ、ホイップクリーム等、好みのトッピングを付けて食べました。
Japanese & American scouts and their families put the toppings such as soybean flour, Teriyaki source, sweet red bean paste which were prepared by Tomigusuku 1, and chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup and whipped cream which were provided by Pack1, on the mochi balls and ate them.
After eating it was game time.
The Japanese and American scouts enjoyed playing the games such as tug of war, newspaper
ball toss.
なお、豊見城1団のスカウトは、1月26日(日)に開催されるPack 1のパインウッドダービーに招待されています。
Then the US-Japan friendship Mochi Pounding has ended.
Scouts from Pack Tomigusuku 1 have been invited to the Pack 1 Pinewood Derby to be held on January 26 (Sun).
At 11:00 on January 11 (Sat), Scout Group Tomigusuku 1 invited their Brotherhood units BSA Pack 1, and held the "Japan-US Friendship Mochi Pounding" at Tomigusuku Central Community Center.
This event has been held every year to have the following two purposes.
①To allow Scouts to experience understanding the cultures and events of two countries.
②To let BSA Pack 1 and Tomigusuku 1 deepen further friendship.
The event began with a welcome speech in both Japanese and English by two female Cub Scouts. Next, Chairman Mr. Nakai explained in both Japanese and English about ①Meaning to make mocha, ②How difference of cooking between for normal rice and mochi rice, ③How to use big hammer. Japanese and American Scouts performed Mochi Pounding alternately. Then, leaders and parents joined. As a result, 10 kg of rice was changed to Mochi.
日米のスカウトと保護者は、豊見城1団が準備 したきな粉、あんこ、砂糖醤油、そして、カブ1隊が準備したチョコレートシロップ、ストロベリーシロップ、ホイップクリーム等、好みのトッピングを付けて食べました。
Japanese & American scouts and their families put the toppings such as soybean flour, Teriyaki source, sweet red bean paste which were prepared by Tomigusuku 1, and chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup and whipped cream which were provided by Pack1, on the mochi balls and ate them.
After eating it was game time.
The Japanese and American scouts enjoyed playing the games such as tug of war, newspaper
ball toss.
なお、豊見城1団のスカウトは、1月26日(日)に開催されるPack 1のパインウッドダービーに招待されています。
Then the US-Japan friendship Mochi Pounding has ended.
Scouts from Pack Tomigusuku 1 have been invited to the Pack 1 Pinewood Derby to be held on January 26 (Sun).